Here are the general "rules" that I've established (subject to change once the whole shebang jumps off)
- The brainstorming, plotting process for each story may not exceed 30 minutes (if its utilized at all).
- The writing process for each story may not exceed 10 minutes (to be controlled by timer).
- There's a least one hour of buffer time after a story is published. Any editing (spell / grammar check) will take place after that time (if at all).
- The author cannot edit / proofread their own story. Aside from grammar and spelling, the stories stay as is after publishing.
- The goal is to publish six stories per day max, but we're not going to hit ourselves over the head with that number.
- A story can end with a cliffhanger, but must be resolved in the next 10 minute story (i.e. maximum of two parts to a story).
- To get started, each author can come up with a list of their own topics. Later on, authors can create topic lists to give to each other (e.g. I send some topics for Sarah to choose from and vice versa).
- There are no winners or losers, this is merely a creative exercise.
Available Prompts
- birthday sex
- unfortunate sweating
- goddamned hipsters
- whiskey
- childhood memory
- first leave
- first love
- first job
- worst job
- cookin
- swearin
- cookin
- the airport
- the train station
- is this your toothbrush or mine?
- Not to be a bitch, but ...
- the haunted house
- I don't know what's real any more
- room mates
- Why'd you have to say that?
- Fireworks
- I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- towering redwoods
- babbling stream in a plush, emerald wood
- Hot Momma needs a hot toddy.
- I stare at asses.
- Don't be alarmed if I wander into your room in the middle of the night.
- What if wolves looked like turtles.
- changing seasons silent, snow-covered street
- permanently overcast skies
- Girl, watchoo know about Piggaly Wiggaly?
- That boy wanted to touch yo booty.
- Spittin that holla juice.
- My sepcial juice is gonna help me win.
- She is good at guns.
- Reoccurring dreams
- Dream worlds
- The smell of lavender
- Working out
- Drank
- Travels
- A-HA!
- So it was you Catty bitches
- Beast mode
- The ruby red leaves of a Japanese maple
- Gettin high yoga
- Say, girl. Where your boyfriend at?
- the little engine that couldn't
- you've seen that fuckin movie Hitch!
- war-torn country wind-swept cliffs
- I hate clowns.
- Slow and steady wins the race.
- You could have knocked me over with a feather.
- Did it blow away? It did. I think it blew away.
- dancin
- the smell of cinnamon
- makin' it rain crackin' skulls
- awkward moments
- embarrassing moments
- Pump the breaks.
- War is hell, people.
- Hurricanes Earthquakes
- Tornadoes
- Tiny Shoes
- The Haunted Gym
- Kitchen Stories
- Beer Thursday
- Your Majesty
- Alligators in Vests
- Stranded
- Laundry Day
- Beards
- The World's Biggest
- A Gram
- Space Fever
- Overdue
- Summer Camp
- Tea Party Hijinks
- Business Kids
- Fisticunts
- Backyard Elves
- Behind the Shed
- Bubble Machine
- Instagram Book Club
- Double Rainbow
- Pop Band
- In the Dressing Room
- Party Safari
- Big Ears
- Playground Wars
- In Queue
- Townies
- Voting for Nazis
- Dubstep Mystery Cake
- Go for it
- The Preacher
- Hug Life
- Russian Boulé
- Heirloom Recipe
- Circus Bear